Just say no to solar farms. The best use of solar energy is to grow plant materials of all types. Not considered in anyvreports is the loss of OXYGEN PRODUCTION by covering up the land and preventing the growth of plants which convert CARBON DIOXIDE TO OXYGEN. That is still very important to our planetary health and ours.

Also new research has shown that solar farms CHANGE WEATHER ABOVE AND AROUND THEM; creating more potential for severe weather events, ie. Tornados.

For these reasons and the above stated impacts, vote NO TO SOLAR FARMS.

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Co2 and methane is changing the weather - we need clean energy.

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All forms of energy generation impact the environment in a negative way. Have you been to a refinery? They continue to negatively impact the communities as they have since they were constructed. Cancer belt in south Texas and Louisiana are prime examples.

Solar while a severe drain at start-up begin to recover without the continuous pollution of the petrochemical industry.

Short sighted to keep calling solar a negative drain on communities. Mississippi just “invested” in battery production and huge energy draining Amazon plant while demonizing “green” alternatives. Can’t have growth without some changes.

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They are reactionary fools - we need every acre of solar, wind, hydro etc. Don't the US media post about storms, floods, wildfires...?

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Let's not forget risk of a tornado instantly destroying any investment into or benefits from this project.

Solar is almost always a scam. And hearing how the county supervisors are already trying to mislead their constituents... I would not be surprised if there were some kick-backs involved somewhere.

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If it was a risk they wouldn't build them - Climate's changing..😐

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It happens. Solar farms get destroyed by hail too. Happened to a small 4.4 MW solar farm in Nebraska in June 2023. Took 6 months to get it back online. Happened to a large 440 MW solar plant in Texas back in March. I don't know how much insurance costs or pays out for that sort of thing, but it happens. All of that needs to be factored in.

Just look into the amount of bankrupt small to medium solar companies. These green energy companies go around building all this crap, but the industry is now running on such narrow profit margins, they eventually out of business. Happens with wind farm projects too.

Climate's changing... it sure is. But, it blows my mind that so many people are oblivious to the fact that EVERYTHING in this universe is spinning: galaxies spin, solar systems spin, planets spin, moons spin. Everything SPINS. Which is why everything acts in cycles: waves, tides, weather, seasons, day/night cycles, etc. The question is how much of an effect are we actually having on these cycles? Realistically, probably not much. A lot of the data these so-called climate scientists use to prove "climate change" is just hand-picked sections of our normal "major" climate cycles. Hell, even previous human civilizations rise and fall according to major climate cycles! I'm all for conservation of the environment - to an extent, but it's outright hubristic to think we're gonna have an effect on climate cycles. Not a single climate doomsayer has ever been right about anything.

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Thousands of acres of black solar panels create heat sinks which will warm the areas around them and exacerbate the warming of the world.

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