Violates Mississippi GOP Platform on Healthcare The MS Senate is in the process of debating Senate Bill 2323. The bill would specifically allow the government-owned University of Mississippi Medical Center to buy out rural and community hospitals. The bill would exclude the state from any anti-competitive laws providing a pathway for the state to have a complete monopoly on medical services provided by hospitals in the state. The original version of the bill includes language on line 335 that states the legislature understands that the bill is anti-free-market and impacts competition, but they believe that it is necessary for the “benefits of collaboration.”
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Press Release: Senate Bill 2323
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Violates Mississippi GOP Platform on Healthcare The MS Senate is in the process of debating Senate Bill 2323. The bill would specifically allow the government-owned University of Mississippi Medical Center to buy out rural and community hospitals. The bill would exclude the state from any anti-competitive laws providing a pathway for the state to have a complete monopoly on medical services provided by hospitals in the state. The original version of the bill includes language on line 335 that states the legislature understands that the bill is anti-free-market and impacts competition, but they believe that it is necessary for the “benefits of collaboration.”