Chris will make a great LT Gov.

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That would be somewhat different from his performance as a state senator.

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Senator Jeremy England is not only attacking churches, he’s attacking people and spreading lies. He will not show the proof, he just plays a victim

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England is nothing but a mindless puppet for the establishment republicans. He only does what he is told. 😡

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On both sides, in all races, we need more facts about where the candidates stand and fewer accusations. We really need a debate between these two.

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Hosemann refused to debate. McDaniel asked several times and was willing to debate so voters could compare their records. But Hosemann's record is horrible, he has blocked the income tax repeal, he has funneled millions of taxpayer dollars in an attempt to build an Obama-like government controlled healthcare system, and he has grown the size of government. So with that record his best strategy is to hide.

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