I agree with everything u said but what r u doing DANA about stopping the computer cheating election fraud on BOTH SIDES to keep power & voiding the peoples will?? Steve Hopkins is involved in helping outlaw the machines & going to paper & hand counting. Tell us what you’re doing?

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I supported and voted for HB1310 that passed this year. I believe it will help by giving the Secretary of State more authority to require voter roles are clean and accurate. I'm not sure we are ever going to all paper ballots and hand counting, nor do I believe that would solve all of our issues. But, I'm open to discussion of any ideas that would help ensure our elections are fair and accurate.

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Cleaning up rolls would help some but the main problem is programed computer voting.ALL computers can be hacked,changed & controlled & programmed before,after & even during if hooked to the internet. It’s red handed proof its happened in every state. The midterms put every single representative back in office that was running. Also millions of both sides hate Reeves & he got right back in with no problem. The algorithm used all across America was exactly the same.That’s not possible naturally.This is why both sides just does what they want because they don’t have to answer to the people & it’s no worrying


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I am sorry that I cannot vote for you. You are too one sided. You live in a very divers state wither you realize it or not. You need to be able to relate to different types of view in many different situations as Attorney General. You sound too narrow minded to represent all Mississippians.

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Will you be writing a similar article as to why a change in Lt. Governor is critical ? Thanks, Robbie Nichols

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Robbie, I do believe a change in Lt. Gov. is crucial. I will certainly share more on that as the election approaches.

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anyone can comment on this website, there is no requirement to agree. As a matter of fact part of the purpose of this site is to discuss different opinions. But, If someone is unable to simply disagree without calling names or insulting another reader they will be banned from the site and unable to post comments.

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I believe there were a lot of problems with the 2020 election. Georgia and Arizona had major problems and there was obviously illegal activity and voting that took place. Since much of that was not completely investigated and reconciled I do not believe we can know. That said, we move on because like it or not Joe Biden is President so we make corrections and fight another day.

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