Excellent answer! And it will be interesting to watch our 'conservative' farm lobby squirm as they try to respond. ;-)

Generally, 'conservatives' are happy to conserve their own resources when we discuss giving them to someone else, but are happy to conserve someone else's resources only *after* the conservative has received them.

A somewhat inverted corollary of how they're all for individual freedom, as long as the individual is them. Others' individual freedoms? Not so much.

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Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about. Also, Ms. Brandy had a question which you answered with specific alternate ideas. Now, my question is: If MS can do it, can we then lead the other states who are doing it also? Thanks for being a conservative republican. I wish you represented me.

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I wholeheartedly agree with the general principles laid out in your article. But... tell the rest of the story and watch the reactions. Because these days, in states like MS, farms are corporations, too. Will you say that your principles should apply to *all* corporations?

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Are you asking should we subsidize farms? If that is you question the answer is No. The government should not be transferring money from one group of citizens to another.

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Thank you for explaining this! We will miss you in the state house of representatives!

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I can get behind this, but what are some feasible alternatives and solutions?

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Brandy, I think the solution is to recognize that if government has to give tax breaks and incentives to recruit large businesses is to realize our tax structure is too high. So the answer is to make the tax environment better for all businesses small or large. I've also suggested that if the state and local government must give a tax break or incentive to draw a company make that same incentive package available to all businesses in the area. So if Amazon demands a tax break for every employee hired give the local mom and pop business across the street the same tax break for every employee they hire.

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This makes so much commonsense! Just like President Trump commonly says”it’s just common sense”! Delbert Hosemann will never be for getting rid of state income tax!

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Thank you for expanding. As my family owns a small business, I think your idea is absolutely wonderful. I wish you the best of luck pushing this forward for Mississippians.

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