How does this compare to differently from a communist government?

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Overwhelmingly unconstitutional and proof that our Justice System is corrupt! Our good ole USA is looking more and more like a third world dictatorship.

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This is parallel to the unconventional stops made to show drivers licenses.

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The Institute for Justice is a fine organization that has helped many people with Government theft of their property. That, however, requires time to take place after the theft. It may be helpful to deny the theft in the first place with a show of force. Make them state their probable cause for the seizure. Deny them access to your property without a warrant. Once they start the ball rolling, timing and process are in their favor.

Any local protests on the matter could encourage the legislature to pass helpful laws. Any gathering of force visible to law enforcement could sway their appetite. One thing for sure is that those guilty of the theft are not going to stop it by themselves.


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How do we go about changing this law?

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for more information here is a link to the Institute for Justice https://ij.org/legislation/criminal-forfeiture-process-act/

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Here is a link to the Institute for Justice, they provide sample legislation and key information to help change these laws. I have worked with them on several occasions when in the legislature to help write legislation. Anyone can download their sample legislation and then pressure you legislator to have a bill written. https://ij.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/02-14-2024-Criminal-Forfeiture-Process-1.pdf

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Thank you

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