Most Mississippians proudly believe we live in a “conservative” state, but with just minimal research it becomes obvious that Mississippi politicians are far from conservative. When I was first elected to the Mississippi legislature I showed up in Jackson ready to join the team of conservative Republicans and move our state in the direction of freedom, liberty and economic prosperity. I had spend most of my life developing a political philosophy that was best expressed in the Republican Party Platform.
Dana, I’ve heard this same story before, from one of your truly conservative Senate colleagues. The previous story goes on until the fake conservative Lt. Gov. saw to it that not only the Senator was punished, but her whole district (the conservative citizens of) was punished, by being gerrymandered into POC Thompson’s district and out state district was ELIMINATED. The psychopathic need for power is as evil as evil gets.
You can be a gazelle for a little while then you gotta become lions and do lion stuff. I met thé Speaker and he is ... slimy. It’s time for good leadership because The People are getting pummeled. Thank you for your insight.
There should be term limits or maybe a year of jubilee where they all get kicked out and all new representatives get voted in. Gotta do something to disrupt the crony culture.
The founders considered the citizens responsible for replaceing those representatives and senators who did not vote right. Civil Rights deliberately divided us so that we can't think American in unity anymore. But we can still act in unity to replace the "purple" and "blue" politicians who are more interested in their own power and money! Just vote for somebody else, people. Being "qualified" today means being a proper voter for only your own party, not whether you believe anything that party stands for or how they act. A new person faithful to the fiunded American System is better even if he is unaware of the "proper" political actions.
Dana, I’ve heard this same story before, from one of your truly conservative Senate colleagues. The previous story goes on until the fake conservative Lt. Gov. saw to it that not only the Senator was punished, but her whole district (the conservative citizens of) was punished, by being gerrymandered into POC Thompson’s district and out state district was ELIMINATED. The psychopathic need for power is as evil as evil gets.
You can be a gazelle for a little while then you gotta become lions and do lion stuff. I met thé Speaker and he is ... slimy. It’s time for good leadership because The People are getting pummeled. Thank you for your insight.
There should be term limits or maybe a year of jubilee where they all get kicked out and all new representatives get voted in. Gotta do something to disrupt the crony culture.
The founders considered the citizens responsible for replaceing those representatives and senators who did not vote right. Civil Rights deliberately divided us so that we can't think American in unity anymore. But we can still act in unity to replace the "purple" and "blue" politicians who are more interested in their own power and money! Just vote for somebody else, people. Being "qualified" today means being a proper voter for only your own party, not whether you believe anything that party stands for or how they act. A new person faithful to the fiunded American System is better even if he is unaware of the "proper" political actions.