The 2023 legislative session ended on April 1 with the passage of the final bill of the legislative session. At approximately 1:00 am the final vote was cast for the last bill of the session. Never mind that the extended deadline had been exceeded and at midnight of March 31 all appropriation bills were dead. The Mississippi legislature once again ignored the law, the constitution and the good of the people and passed a bill that appropriated millions of dollars to “member projects”.
I have written emails and made phone calls....all on deaf ears. It would be nice to
know how these RINO's are voting...then we know who NOT to vote for but I have a
hunch there may be some nefariousness to our election process in our state also. Maybe that's how these RINOs stay in office. They need to all be removed if they are not here to serve "We The People"!
check out The Mississippi Freedom Caucus ranks bills and provides a link so you can see who every legislature votes on the good and the bad bills.
It might be disappointing but not surprising. This is what happens when they have nothing to worry about & know for a fact they will be re-elected.Tator has never been worth a 💩.very reason it needs to be term limits on ALL politicians. They are RINO & sold out to big pharma & the globalist with is going to hurt them & their families with mRNA poison being put in our food & digital $ the globalist can control people with. FL here I come.
You are, as usual ( if my relatively recent readings are representative), absolutely right. You predict the downward trajectory of the Mississippi GOP just as I have been commenting about the gradual suicide of the national party, for not dissimilar reasons.
I want them out. This state continues to disappoint me with some of these decisions. I was born here and I'd like to die here, but last place (or close) is not an achievement. My son has a double Bachelor's and 2 Master's degrees. I am begging him to stay here because I know we need more than we have. I don't know what to keep pointing to while making my argument. These people have to go. I refuse to vote for them any longer.
I have written emails and made phone calls....all on deaf ears. It would be nice to
know how these RINO's are voting...then we know who NOT to vote for but I have a
hunch there may be some nefariousness to our election process in our state also. Maybe that's how these RINOs stay in office. They need to all be removed if they are not here to serve "We The People"!
check out The Mississippi Freedom Caucus ranks bills and provides a link so you can see who every legislature votes on the good and the bad bills.
It might be disappointing but not surprising. This is what happens when they have nothing to worry about & know for a fact they will be re-elected.Tator has never been worth a 💩.very reason it needs to be term limits on ALL politicians. They are RINO & sold out to big pharma & the globalist with is going to hurt them & their families with mRNA poison being put in our food & digital $ the globalist can control people with. FL here I come.
You are, as usual ( if my relatively recent readings are representative), absolutely right. You predict the downward trajectory of the Mississippi GOP just as I have been commenting about the gradual suicide of the national party, for not dissimilar reasons.
Keep up the good work .
Any chance of publication in the Clarion Lier?
It’s time for Republican Primary challengers. For the Governor too.
I want them out. This state continues to disappoint me with some of these decisions. I was born here and I'd like to die here, but last place (or close) is not an achievement. My son has a double Bachelor's and 2 Master's degrees. I am begging him to stay here because I know we need more than we have. I don't know what to keep pointing to while making my argument. These people have to go. I refuse to vote for them any longer.