Within hours of his inauguration on January 20, President Trump signed an executive order titled, "Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Referencing." President Trump stated in his order, "The Biden Administration forced illegal and immoral discrimination programs, going by the name 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' (DEI), into virtually all aspects of the Federal Government, in areas ranging from airline safety to the military."
Conservatives recognize that these Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs are nothing more than thinly veiled attempts to drive our country into poverty and chaos by forcing employers to hire unqualified workers. These initiatives have also become a breeding ground for the "re-education" of conservatives, pushing a liberal agenda onto businesses and their employees.
President Trump promised to halt this slide into mediocrity by terminating these programs within the government and removing the obligation for companies to comply with Biden's demands. Shortly after his inauguration, we witnessed companies, banks, and government agencies begin to dismantle these destructive programs.
However, one company, Costco, has stubbornly refused to end these harmful and illegal programs, despite court rulings declaring them violations of the law. Costco clings to its liberal ideology, resisting change.
Recently, 19 state Attorneys General sent a letter to Costco, warning that DEI policies which discriminate based on race are illegal. They demanded that Costco alter their policy within 30 days and provide an explanation for not abandoning these programs.
Conspicuously absent from the list of these conservative Attorneys General is Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch. AG Fitch has once again abandoned the conservative principles she claims to represent. The people of Mississippi deserve to understand why their Attorney General is not upholding the conservative values on which she was elected. We have a right to know whether she supports these discriminatory and illegal practices endorsed by Joe Biden or the conservative principles championed by Donald Trump.
Could her continued involvement and even leadership role in the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), an organization criticized for its leftward shift, indicate that her ideology aligns more with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris than with the conservative people of Mississippi and President Trump?
The people of Mississippi need to demand clarity: will Attorney General Lynn Fitch defend conservative principles and uphold the law, or does her liberal ideology take precedence?
It's a good question, one that I appreciate you asking. We must keep a watch on those who represent us. I would like to hear her explanation and her stand on supporting President Trump's agenda to Make America Great Again.
So, I guess there's no reason for me to write the letter I was planning to write regarding Bennie Thompson, the humiliating job he did representing Mississippi in J6 investigations, the fact that he publicly begged for a pardon and deleted video evidence. If he is doing these types of things, there seems to be a really good chance he is committing crimes in this state. It would be good to know why one of our Senators needed to beg for a pardon.