Week 2 Completed in the Mississippi House of Representatives
This week in the Mississippi House of Representatives, I attended Governor Phil Bryant's inaugural speech, voted on several resolutions and attended hearings on the contested House seat.
I am proud to be a part of Gov. Bryant's second term as he moves Mississippians toward greater success and more freedom. During the next four years I believe Mississippi's government will be guided by true conservative principles. The governor seems determined to move Mississippi's educational system forward by providing parents with a choice in the education of their children.
Gov. Bryant said,
We should heed the lessons of history and not stand in the school house doorway and resist school choice in the name of district integrity, or average daily attendance. I see little difference when a parent's power to choose is taken away, whether by a school board or an offensive state law. If it is good for the child and preferred by the parents, let it be done.
The right of a parent to choose the best education for their child is an important step that we must take to better our educational system. Competition works because parents, whether rich or poor, want what is best for their child. I believe with the leadership of Gov. Bryant our educational system will improve over the next four years.
I also spent several hours listening to testimony presented during the committee hearing of the contested election of Rep. Bo Eaton and his challenger Mark Tullos. While the details are complicated, basically there is a dispute over affidavit ballots. Sometime next week the committee will present their findings to the entire House and make a recommendation. It will then be up to each member to vote on who will be seated as the representative for House District 79.
Business in the House of Representatives has come to a screeching halt because nothing can be done until this election is settled. Committee assignments are on hold until the Speaker knows who will represent District 79. Which means, we've spent a lot of time sitting around and talking. But, it's a room full of politicians so there is never a shortage of someone willing to give you their opinion.
Week two was a good week, though I am ready to get to work on some real issues. Hopefully we will get busy soon.
Keep up with what is happening in your capitol daily at www.legislature.ms.gov