Tyranny in Virginia
Tyranny: a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler
Virginia Democrats introduce a bundle of radical laws to limit 2A rights, militias, sale transfer and registration bills, and the citizens in the State of Virginia say NO, we're going to vote you all out next term.
Virginia government, lead by Democrats, responds by introducing a bill to eliminate voter ID.
The people of Virginia say we're not going to wait, we'll petition for your removal from office, they get almost a 3rd of the 240K signatures required to remove the governor and start petitions to remove delegates.
Virginia government responds by introducing a bill to raise the the amount of signatures from 10% of the prevailing vote, to 25%.
This is the a textbook example of tyranny.
"We're the government, and we'll do anything we want, whether you like it or not. We won't let you vote us out, we won't let you remove us from office.... And if you can't possess the weapons that a militia would need to force us out, of office, then there's absolutely nothing you can do about it"
We can not allow this to happen in Mississippi. Stand up now for your rights before it's too late. Demand your local political leaders make your county a Second Amendment Sanctuary.