Mississippi Says Stay at Home or go to Jail
On Friday, August 20 Mississippi state health officer Thomas Dobbs struck another blow against the people of Mississippi. A few weeks ago it was Dr. Dobbs calling anyone who disagreed with him “nazi monkeys” this time they are threatening to jail sick people.
While governors from states like Florida and Tennessee are standing against the politically motivated health-care bureaucrats, Mississippi is headed in a different direction. In a late Friday release Dobbs issued an executive order stating that “failure or refusal to obey” would be “punishable by a fine of $500.00 or imprisonment for six months or both”.
The order requires, “All persons residing in Mississippi must immediately home-isolate on first knowledge of infection with COVID-19.”
The order continues to say, “All persons, including fully vaccinated individuals, infected with COVID-19 must remain in the home or other appropriate residential location for 10 days from onset of illness (or 10 days from the date of a positive test for those who are asymptomatic)”.
It seems Mississippi is taking a lesson from the Biden administration that says if you don't fall in-line with the political overlords you will be called names, brow-beat, fined and jailed.
In a year where Mississippi's government has grown many times larger than ever before, where federal money has poured into the state by the billions and where government has ordered individuals locked into their homes, closed businesses and mandating healthcare choices, Mississippi is charging toward bigger government and less individual freedom with little to no resistance from its political “leaders”.
Welcome to the new world where politicians control every aspect of your life.