Medical Marijuana - For or Against?
Medical Marijuana is a subject that I never expected to consider. As a conservative person, both politically and in life I fully accepted the common thought that illegal drugs were bad and had no place in society. I accepted the idea that marijuana had no useful place in society and should be outlawed.
I still do not accept that illicit use of marijuana for recreational purposes should be accepted as OK and common. I have heard all the arguments about how its less damaging than alcohol, but my personal experience is that the folks I knew in college who were pot-heads are to this day unproductive members of society, while those who drank too much alcohol have moved on to become regular well adjusted members of our world. I know this is an over simplification and a generalization but that is my experience.
The topic now is not recreational use of marijuana but medical use. On this issue I have completely changed my opinion. Through research and many discussions I am convinced there are legitimate medical benefits of marijuana. Because of this belief, I have volunteered to be a part of the Medical Marijuana 2020 Steering Committee.
Medical Marijuana 2020 is a campaign to make medical marijuana available to Mississippians who have debilitating medical conditions in a legal and safe manner. If approved by the voters, patients who are suffering from these diseases will be able to obtain medical marijuana after they are examined by a Mississippi licensed physicians and certified to use medical marijuana.
Please go to and read the information. Medical Marijuana 2020 is a ballot initiative that will be voted on by the people in November 2020. The people of the state will make this decision NOT the politicians. You have a vote and your vote counts as much as the governor's or any other political representative.