How to Join the Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement
Gun owners are demanding their local political officials backup their gun-rights campaign promises with action. If you want your county or city to become a Second Amendment Sanctuary here are the steps to take.
Download a copy of the resolution and change the county name to your county (Click Here to contact me, provide an email address to receive a copy of the resolution)
Give a copy to all of your county supervisors and ask them for their support
Organize a group of citizens who support the Second Amendment
Choose a spokesperson for the group
Contact your county supervisor and ask to be placed on the Supervisor's agenda for their next meeting
Once on the agenda, notify citizens of time and place of meeting and have as many citizens attend the meeting as possible
The spokesperson will present the resolution to the board and explain to them why the citizens want it passed and ask the supervisors to vote that night on the resolution
After discussion a supervisor will make a motion to accept and then it will be voted on by the board.
Hopefully your supervisors support our second amendment rights and the vote in support of the resolution will be unanimous. It is possible there could be No votes, it is then up to the citizen of your county to decide how to proceed.
If you are working to organize a group and need help please contact me, I am available to speak and help explain the resolution.
Some have asked me to present the resolution to their supervisors but since I am not a citizen of your county I and do not carry the weight of a local citizen.
In Support of Freedom,