From Your Capitol - Week of January 25, 2021 (Fear of Government)
Earlier this week I had a conversation with my son, who returned home from a two year adventure in Oregon and is on his way to a new adventure in Canada. Our conversation around politics and COVID turned to a conversation about how easily people have been manipulated by politicians and healthcare bureaucrats and what our nations future holds.
During our conversation he asked me a question that caused me some discomfort.
The question was, “What do you fear?”
My initial answer was that I don't have any deep fears. I believe after 57 years of life I have confronted many of the fears we all face through out life. When I was in high school I feared non-acceptance by those who were “cool” or a part of the “in” crowd. After spending much of my high school years on the outside of that group, by college I had learned to overcome that fear and be more secure with myself, even if not accepted by some specific group. But new fears arose during college that proved more difficult to overcome. The fear of being inadequate, after failing most of my freshman classes there was a great fear that I would never accomplish anything in my life. With no direction in life I returned home to work at Godfather's Pizza.
I started taking flying lessons at the local airport. Accomplishing the goal of getting my pilots license taught me to meet the fear of being inadequate head on, so I returned to college to get a bachelors degree and then a masters degree.
Throughout my life I've met and overcome many of the fears that I've experienced. I've learned to function without being accepted by the “in” crowd, I don't spend time and energy trying to prove that I'm smart or adequate. I don't fear failure because I've failed many times and survived and I have reached the pinnacle of my chosen career. I don't fear rejection because I have a family that accepts me and will never reject me.
So that leaves the question, What do I fear?
I fear government!
From the time the nation of Israel demanded a king, government has oppressed, killed, and abused its citizens more often than not. Kings became tyrants, leaders tax their people to pay for their pleasures while watching the people suffer. I cannot find a single example of a government official starving to death, but there are countless example of nations of people dying of starvation, execution and imprisonment at the hands of their government.
Under the guise of compassion we see government today denying people needed medical procedures, forcing medications and at times denying needed medications. During the COVID “crisis” we've seen government officials around our country and even in Mississippi use this time as an opportunity to enrich themselves and their friends while oppressing the people.
The fear of government is what drives me today to be involved in that very government. By being involved with government I have more opportunity to expose those who seek to benefit themselves at the expense of others.
I firmly believe that history proves me correct, the stronger government becomes the more of a threat it becomes to it's citizens.
Franklin D. Roosevelt is often quoted as saying “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself,"
It is my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is GOVERNMENT.