From Your Capitol - January 26, 2020
The third week of the 2020 legislative session was a busy week that began with a rally supporting our second amendment rights and solidarity with fellow patriots in Virginia. Their actions did not go answered because the next day Desoto County passed a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution as did Alcorn and Lawrence. Citizens from several other counties have successfully placed the resolution on the agenda for their next county board meeting and many more are working to do the same. I've received reports that Stone, Lincoln, and Tishomingo will vote on the resolution soon.
I attended the county board meetings of Desoto and Alcorn Counties on Tuesday, it was inspirational to watch citizens voice their opinions and demand their local officials take a stand to protect their rights. The people of Mississippi are truly great people.
On Thursday House members received their committee assignments. Now that committees have been formed we begin the process of debating proposed legislation. The deadline for legislators to have their ideas for new laws submitted in February 24.
Three of my priorities this session are Agricultural Hemp, Rural Access to Health Care, and Citizens Due Process Protection.
Hemp is one of the oldest industrial crops in history. George Washington was a hemp farmer. Hemp fiber is used for rope, clothes, a multitude of products and hemp oil is used in hundreds of products from soap, lip balm and salves.
Hemp is expected to be a $20 Billion industry within the next 3 years. Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, and Florida have changed their laws to allow farmers to grow hemp. Mississippi must allow our farmers to participate in this growing and profitable industry.
One important point everyone should understand, HEMP is NOT MARIJUANA! Hemp cannot be smoked, has no properties that will get anyone high, and marijuana can NOT be grown near hemp because the cross pollination will ruin the marijuana.
Rural Access to Healthcare
I also will be working this session to change our laws that limit access to healthcare in rural Mississippi. Our current laws limit the types of healthcare facilities that can be opened around our state. Because of these laws, that protect deep-pocket providers and limit access, rural Mississippians have some of the worst healthcare of anyone in the nation. These laws must be changed.
The Right to Due Process
Government should not be allowed to confiscate and keep your property unless you have been convicted of a crime. If a hunter is suspected of committing a violation his gun can be confiscated, but even if he is not found guilty of that violation the state may still keep his weapon. This is not right and must be stopped.
My committee assignments are:
Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency (vice-chairman)
Drug Policy
Judiciary B
Judiciary En Banc
Public Health and Human Services
Universities and Colleges
It is an honor to serve the people of Mississippi and Olive Branch. Please contact me with your opinions and our concerns.