Declare Mississippi a Bill of Rights Sanctuary State
The Democrat Party of the United States is waging a cold-war against our constitution and our rights as free citizens. The recent election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has divided our country into those who want freedom and those who prefer the tyranny of socialism and eventually communism. The time has come for those of us who value freedom and liberty to take a stand. The Mississippi Freedom Caucus has proposed that Mississippi declare itself a Sanctuary for the Bill of Rights. The first ten amendments to the US Constitution outline the basic God-given freedoms on which our country stands. We are drawing a line-in-the-sand and declaring our commitment to defending our freedoms. By adopting our resolution, House Concurrent Resolution 23 (HCR-23) we are letting the world know that we will defend our God-given rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights. Please add your name to our letter, an email will be automatically sent to Gov. Reeves and every member of the Mississippi Legislature asking them to support your rights and freedoms by supporting passage of HCR-23.